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Charlotte Watson

Emilio's Birth Story at Leeds General Infirmary Lotus Suite - A Dad's Perspective

Emilio's birth story at Midwife Led Lotus Suite at Leeds General Infirmary (LGI), told from Glen, his dad's, perspective.

Dad Glen has baby Emilio asleep on this chest, he is smiling at the camera
Glen with his son Emilio
"The best day of my life bar none, so magical, beautiful and emotional - I’m in awe of Liv and really proud of the role I played"

Glen and his wife, Liv, chose to do a private hypnobirthing course with me and it was a JOY to teach them. I knew they would be an amazing team.

When Glen sent me his perspective of his son, Emilio's, birth story I cried, it's beautiful. Glen's unwavering support of Liv, to birth their son, and confidence to ask questions and advocate for what was right for them is wonderful. Their plan A was to have a home birth. Due to midwifery staffing outside of their control, Emilio was born in the Midwife Led Lotus Suite at Leeds General Infirmary (LGI), their plan B. They made their own way there and after arriving made the room their own, decorating it with lights, throws, scents and playing their own music. Demonstrating the many ways you can make any birth environment your own.

We talk all about how to optimise your birth environment during

Positive Birth Leeds Hypnobirthing Courses.

Read more on the website.

Thank you Glen for sharing your story, take it away...

"Thank you for your amazing support, honestly I felt so confident and calm throughout and felt I could support Liv ❤️...

Liv was AMAZING throughout…we were at home until she was 6cm dilated, purely on breathing and me using the massages you taught - we had to go into the Lotus Suite as not enough midwives for home birth, but it was lovely, nice pool, lighting and relaxed atmosphere.

I decorated with bottle lights and throws from our wedding and put music on to keep Liv calm and the oxytocin flowing, that with my aftershave and some snacks really made a big difference!

Liv spent 2 hours in the pool, with gas and air which helped breathing whilst I stroked her hair and gave her affirmations, sometimes I just held her and let her know I was there.

As it went on baby's heart rate dropped a bit so we had to get out the pool onto the bed and have more monitoring with Liv on all fours. Training came in really handy here as a senior midwife came in and was pushy about moving us into a doctor led unit so they could poke and prod more. At this point Liv was already being a superhero and was pushing so well, had been 30 mins and we were getting there, so I felt confident asking for more information and challenging them. 15 mins later Liv gave birth completely naturally (only 3-4 hours in active labour) 5-6 hours in hospital in total. We managed most of it at home in our lovely bedroom.

The best day of my life bar none, so magical, beautiful and emotional - I’m in awe of Liv and really proud of the role I played. THANK YOU ❤️❤️"

Positive Birth Leeds Hypnobirthing courses are packed with tips to help

birth partners be confident, calm and supportive advocates during birth.

Secure your group course space on the website or contact for private availability.

Liv, Emilio's mum has shared her fantastic birth story on the Positive Birth Leeds Blog too.

A mother and father are sitting on a sofa close together smiling and looking at their son being held by his mother.
Liv, Glen and Emilio

Thank you to this wonderful family for asking me to help them prepare for the birth of their baby, and sharing their story with me. It really is an honour. I send HUGE congratulations to this wonderful family.

Charlotte Watson from is sitting in a chair, smiling at the camera and holding a cup.

I can help you get informed and feel confident, relaxed and empowered for your baby's birth.

Click HERE for the latest group course dates.

Or get in touch to ask about private 1:1 availability.

Charlotte x


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